29 Jan Community Service 2014

Clover Hill High School was awarded a $7,500 grant in 2013 to build a wind turbine on campus that would serve as an educational tool for students and help offset electricity costs at the school. Brockenbrough was involved early on in the project as we assisted with the approval from the Chesterfield County Planning Department and the design of the installation. The project involved constructing a 2.5 kw turbine connected to the concession stand to supplement power consumption there. The school will also use a computerized dashboard to monitor power usage and study the issues related to wind power. The project is now complete as a dedication ceremony was held on 7 November 2014. Dave Warriner, Craig Matthews and Jerry Dziedzic contributed their engineering expertise along with a little CAD help from Bill Green as part of Brockenbrough’s 2014 Community Service Event.