10 Mar Carrie Langelotti, PE Elected ASCE Fellow

Carolyn B. Langelotti, PE, was elected a Fellow with the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). ASCE Fellows have made celebrated contributions and developed creative solutions that change lives around the world. It is a prestigious honor held by fewer than 3.5% of ASCE members. Carrie has served as Treasurer, Vice President and President as well as being the Chairperson for the Virginia Section Scholarship. Some of Carrie’s notable awards are: 2016 RJEC Engineer of the Year, 2012 Richmond Joint Engineers’ Council – Chairs Cup Award, 2009 Richmond Area Program for Minorities in Engineering – Excellence in Community Service, 2007 ASCE VA Section Community Service Award, 2006 ASCE VA Section Past President Award, 2004 Chesterfield County Chamber President’s Award – Improving Site Plan Review Process, 2002 ASCE VA Section Outstanding Leadership Richmond Branch 150th Anniversary Activities and the 2001 ASCE VA Section 80th Anniversary Commendation. Carrie is currently serving her second term on the Virginia APELSCIDLA Board.